The OVPR offers the necessary trainings to meet regulatory requirements, as well as a variety of professional development trainings to help support researchers and their teams.
Most OVPR professional education and compliance trainings are completed online through Tufts Learning Center. You can find most trainings and related information by searching this site.
Tufts Learning Center
- If you have a Tufts University login...
- Log in to the Learning Center and create an account.
- You can now browse this site or the course Catalog in the Learning Center for available trainings.
- If you do not have a Tufts University login or need guest access, please contact
Once your account is created, you can find enrollment links and training information in the Tufts Learning Center Catalog. Your course certificates and transcript will also be available in Tufts Learning Center whenever you need them.
Support and Troubleshooting
- All student, staff, and guest users that need enrollment, unenrollment, password reset, and all other technical related support requests should be sent to:
- All instructor requests for course support should be requested through our online intake form.
- Tufts also provides trainings through third parties (e.g., CITI Program) and specialty trainings upon request. For more information, contact Knowledge Strategy & Operations team.
Guidance for Course Completion
Please see the new Guidance for Course Completion and Training Data Standard.