
Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Health (IH) promotes health, safety and environmental protection in teaching, research, public service and administrative activities by providing training, advice and other compliance assistance.

Key Guides

Accident/Incident Report Form
Eyewash Operation and Flushing Guide
Face Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance For Tufts Laboratory Personnel
Respiratory Protection Program
TEHS 3D Printer Guide

Mission Statement

Industrial Health (IH) promotes health, safety and environmental protection in teaching, research, public service and administrative activities by providing training, advice and other compliance assistance.

IH provides leadership in developing and supporting high quality programs that allow students, faculty and staff to protect themselves from potential health hazards they encounter at the University.

In addition, IH staff has the expertise needed to direct efforts toward compliance with health, safety and environmental laws and regulations.

In summary, the goal of IH is to provide guidance to every manager, supervisor, employee, and student of Tufts University so that a safe, healthful and environmentally sustainable learning environment is achieved and maintained.

Vision and Values of IH Staff

Outward vision and values
IH staff will make every attempt to provide the levels of service in a timely and thorough manner as defined by our customers, the faculty, staff and students of Tufts University.

Inward vision and values of the IH Staff
IH staff will work to create a flexible and supportive work environment where each can achieve our full potential, express ourselves openly while respecting each other. Participate in team based decisions, celebrate our achievements, discuss openly our individual, department and University shortcomings and embrace the idea of continual improvement.