
Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research IRB

The Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research IRB (SBER IRB) reviews research involving human research subjects to ensure regulatory compliance.

Human Subjects Research (HSR) Trainings

The following trainings may be required for submitting a study to the SBER IRB.

eIRB Trainings

All submissions to the SBER IRB must be done via eIRB. See below to access helpful eIRB Tip Sheets and tutorials for your reference as you prepare your IRB submission.

Presentations & Workshops

The SBER IRB is committed to providing the Tufts research community with the resources needed to conduct ethical, high quality human subjects research. We are happy to present individualized, content-tailored presentations and workshops to your study team, class, seminar group, program, or department upon request.

To schedule a presentation or workshop, please contact the SBER IRB inbox at We look forward to meeting with your group!