
Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research IRB

The Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research IRB (SBER IRB) reviews research involving human research subjects to ensure regulatory compliance.

Tufts Human Subjects Research Policies

Below you will find resources to help you learn more about Tufts University policies that apply to human subjects research. Please keep these policies in mind as you develop your projects and plan your submissions.

Tufts' Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is a comprehensive system to ensure the protection of the rights and welfare of subjects in Human Research. The HRPP is based on all individuals at Tufts along with key individuals and committees fulfilling their roles and responsibilities described in this plan.  Consult the Human Research Protection Program Plan (HRPPP) to learn more about the components of the HRPP; information that will apply to your research; and your expected roles, responsibilities, and obligations as a human subjects researcher at Tufts.

The SBER Investigator Manual is designed to guide you through policies and procedures related to the conduct of Human Research that are specific to this institution and the Tufts SBER IRB.

  • OVPR’s Human Subjects Principal Investigator and Faculty Advisor Eligibility Policy
  • As per the above policy, the following individuals are eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator (PI) or Faculty Advisor (FA) at Tufts University:
    • Individuals with paid faculty appointments at Tufts University.  This excludes individuals who are Emeritus, Adjunct, or Visiting Professors; Instructors; and Professors of Practice.
    • Senior Scientist, Scientist I, II, or III (HNRCA only)
    • Non-faculty, professional staff who hold a full-time employment position at the University, are conducting research related to their specialized field and/or official duties, and have adequate expertise to conduct the research study
    • Administrative Staff who hold a full-time employment position at the University, are conducting research related to the individual’s official duties at the University, and have adequate expertise to conduct the research study
    • Tufts University students are allowed to serve as PI, with the identification of a PI-eligible FA.
  • If you do not automatically qualify as PI or FA-eligible, you may request a PI/FA exception by completing the PI/FA Exception Request Form and e-mailing it for review by the IRB Chair and Research Regulatory Compliance Director.