Working with Hazardous Materials

Working with hazardous materials and equipment requires specific training and oversight.

Key Forms & Guides

The A to Z Guide of Laboratory Safety at Tufts University
PART A – Principal Investigator Laboratory Specific Training Checklist
Experiment Hazard Assessment Tool for Tufts University

Key Offices


Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Health (IH) promotes health, safety and environmental protection in teaching, research, public service and administrative activities by providing training, advice and other compliance assistance.

Institutional Biosafety Committee

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is charged with ensuring that all research, teaching, and training involving potentially biohazardous agents at Tufts University and Tufts Medical Center is conducted in compliance with relevant regulations and with proper concern for the safety, the environment, and the surrounding communities.

Institutional Chemical Safety Committee

Institutional Chemical Safety Committee

The Institutional Chemical Safety Committee (ICSC) provides review and oversight of research, teaching, and training spaces and activities that are associated with chemicals at Tufts University while promoting a culture of chemical safety.

Radiation Safety Committee

Radiation Safety Committee

The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is charged with providing independent expert advice for working with or in areas containing radioactive materials or radiation producing machines.

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety

The Laboratory Safety (LS) Group supports research and teaching activities by providing training, advice and other compliance assistance in the areas of biosafety, chemical safety, general lab safety, radiation and laser safety.