Promoting Your Work

Sharing your work is an essential part of the research process and helps provide the greatest public benefit.


The libraries provide expert support with all aspects of scholarly publishing, including copyrights, fair use, and open access.

Inventions & Technology Transfer

The office of Technology Transfer & Industry Collaboration can help your commercialize your inventions, which can lead to personal income, notoriety, and sponsored research funding for your laboratory. In addition, the Tufts Launchpad│Accelerator is a grant program funded by the University to connect the gap between where federal funding of basic research ends and commercial interest begins.

Media Relations

The media play an important role in the dissemination of research knowledge and working with them effectively can make sure your research gets relevant exposure.

Key Offices




The Libraries at Tufts provide key support and services to researchers including expert consultations.

Tech Transfer and Industry Collaboration

Tech Transfer and Industry Collaboration

Tech Transfer and Industry Collaboration (TTIC) is responsible for facilitating the transfer of Tufts technology for public use and benefit.

Media Relations

Media Relations

Media Relations is a function of University Communications and Marketing strengthen the university’s leadership position by informing the news media and the public about the achievements of our faculty, staff and students.