
Tufts Visitor Health and Safety Program

The goal of the Tufts Visitor Health and Safety Program is to prevent all visitors at all times from any injuries or diseases while on the campuses of Tufts University and to the extent feasible while visiting any Tufts event that is open to the casual and invited public.

Who is a visitor?

Visitors are all casual or invited persons on the Tufts campuses or attending Tufts sponsored events who and are not present as an employee, student or contractor. Employees attending public events are visitors and not employees unless they are present for the purpose of performing their job.

Why visit Tufts?

Numerous visitors come to Tufts each day as potential students or employees. Others come as potential contractors or suppliers of goods and services.

There are many public spaces and activities hosted by Tufts open at times to casual and invited visitors: museums, cafeterias, entertainment venues, recreational spaces and parking areas. Visitors attend sports, cultural, entertainment, educational, and recreational events throughout the year.

Indoor and outdoor walkways and stairways at Tufts

Tufts maintains miles of walkways and stairways both inside buildings and in outdoor spaces. These walkways are installed and maintained to provide smooth, unobstructed dry paths and stairs. Most stairs are equipped with sturdy handrails on one or both sides of the stair. In wet and icy conditions, every effort is taken to restore the walkways to dry, smooth and unobstructed condition as weather conditions allow. Unofficial dirt paths between buildings should be avoided since these may be uneven, obstructed, muddy, slippery and unsafe for normal walking. At night, walkways and stairways frequently used for access to public spaces and events are lighted.

Building evacuation, EXIT signs and fire alarms

In the event of fire or other incident that requires building evacuation, follow the marked exit signs to the nearest EXIT.  Proceed out of the building quickly but without running while leaving the building.

Evacuation route maps are located in common areas in larger buildings and will direct you to the nearest EXIT. In all buildings, the exits are marked. Visitors should acquaint themselves with available exit paths.

Persons with mobility issues needing evacuation assistance should notify Tufts staff of that need. If located on upper floors during a fire alarm or other evacuation, persons with mobility issues should:

  • Seek assistance from Tufts staff or others in area
  • Remain NEAR the enclosed stairwell (but not within the stairwell)
  • Call Tufts University Communications Center 617-627-6911 to notify Dispatchers of your location. If there is NO smoke or hazard, remain in place. Await arrival of emergency responders or the “all clear” message from the Incident Commander.
  • If your location becomes threatened by smoke or other hazard, follow this procedure:
  • Call Tufts University Communications Center 617-627-6911 (again) to update the Dispatchers that you will now be entering the enclosed stairwell. Also inform the Dispatchers that you need assistance in the evacuation via the stairs. Enter the stairwell AFTER the crowd has passed below your floor landing.
  • Once in the stairwell, await arrival of emergency responders or other persons capable to provide physical assistance to assist with evacuation. Once you have been removed to the safe area, be sure that responders are aware that you no longer need assistance.

Public restrooms

Restrooms available to visitors are generally located in buildings and areas where visitors are expected such as conference areas, libraries, theaters, athletic venues, cafeterias, museums. Temporary restrooms may be found at outdoor events. A sink with water, soap and hand towels or a hand sanitizer is always available to prevent disease.

Restricted Areas at Tufts

Casual and invited visitors should be aware that Tufts University staff operate hazardous equipment, use hazardous materials and engage in processes and procedures that require protective equipment and personal gear such as gloves, eye protection etc. Laboratories, shops, garages, mechanical spaces, studios, and makerspaces are off limits to casual and invited visitors. Invited visitors may be welcomed if the hazards are removed or the visitors obtain the necessary training, follow the required safety procedures, and wear the required protective gear.