Tufts University Boston Campus

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) promotes health, safety, and environmental protection in teaching, research, clinical, public service, and administrative activities by providing training, advice, and other compliance assistance and by promoting safety in all aspects of the Tufts community. EHS includes two main areas – Laboratory Safety and Campus & Workplace Safety.

Training with Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) offers courses for training the Tufts community in safe practices. This section describes each of these courses and how to register. Record of all employees attending EHS sponsored training are retained within the Tufts Learning Center. Some courses are open enrollment, however, many are required only of certain employees to meet regulatory requirements. Some courses are required annually, and others are offered only upon request.

For new employees complete the Safety Training Need Assessment to identify the appropriate courses to register for the training you need, or by calling the EHS at XXX.


Supervisors may contact EHS with questions or to request employee training data. Supervisors are responsible for being aware of training required by law for their employees and to keep appropriate records. Supervisors also are responsible for making arrangements for their employees to register for and attend required training. You also are responsible for making arrangements for their employees to register for and attend required training. Some courses are mandatory, and employees who miss required training can cause regulatory liability for the university and their supervisor.

Employees and Students

Employees and students are expected to keep up their training requirements. Initial safety trainings must be completed in person at the scheduled times. Many annual refresher trainings are offered online, and must be completed within 30 days of due date, or in-person training is then again required.