
IACUC Personnel Amendments

Any person that is to work with animals must be listed on an approved IACUC protocol and complete the necessary personnel requirements before the work can begin. It is considered an issue of non-compliance if a person works with animals and is not listed on the relevant IACUC protocol or has not completed the necessary personnel requirements.

Addition of personnel to an active protocol can be done administratively by submitting a Supplement P form to the IACUC Office. Please note that Supplement P submission emails must include the Principal Investigator for the IACUC Office to document that he/she is aware of the change in personnel.

It is recommended that new personnel work on their requirements before the Supplement P is submitted. After the IACUC Office processes the Supplement P, the Principal Investigator will receive a notification with the status of the Personnel Requirements for each individual listed. Anyone who is cleared for animal work will receive a notification explaining that they have been added to the IACUC protocol and that they are cleared. Anyone who is not yet cleared to begin animal work, will receive the link with instructions on how to complete any remaining requirements.

To remove inactive personnel from a protocol, send an email with the name(s) of people to be removed. If the PI doesn’t send the email, they must be copied to document they are aware of the change in personnel.