Health Sciences IRB
Please also refer to our Regulations page and HIPAA page.
- Biospecimen Banking
- Confidentiality and Data Security Guidelines for Electronic Research Data
- Decisionally impaired persons – Enrollment
- Direct Advertising Material for Recruitment
- Human Research Protection Program Plan
- Informed Consent
- International Research
- Investigator Manual
- IRB Jurisdiction
- Minors – Enrollment
- Non-English Speakers (click below for how to enroll)
- PI Eligibility Policy
- Reportable New Information
- SOP: Records Retention Timeframe – Investigators (HRP-073)
- SOP: Legally Authorized Representatives, Children, and Guardians (HRP-013)
- SOP: Remote Informed Consent Process (HRP-092)
- Subjects Who Cannot Read, Write, or are Physically Challenged (HRP-015)
- Stem Cell Research
- Transferring Studies with SBER IRB (HRP-016)
- Self-Experimentation Policy
- Employees and/or Students as Research Participants
If you wish to provide comments or suggestions on Tufts Health Sciences IRB policy and guidance documents, organization of materials on this website, or other human subject protection issues, please contact the IRB office staff at IRBOffice@tuftsmedicine.org or (617) 636-7512.
eIRB Library
A complete list of policies, standard operating operating procedures, worksheets, checklists and templates is available on the eIRB library.