About the OVPR
The Office of the Vice Provost of Research (OVPR) provides the key services necessary to deliver exceptional results in research.
The OVPR strives to provide high quality services to faculty and staff and to increase the funding available to support research and scholarship, all the while protecting the University’s interests and ensuring that Tufts is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. The office works in collaboration with university leadership, faculty, staff and students to commence strategic initiatives to advance the research and scholarship enterprise at Tufts and ensure our obligations are met. The OVPR is responsible for responsible for pre-award administration of grants and contracts; supporting investigators in developing proposals and funding strategies for their research and scholarship; protection, management, and licensing of the University’s intellectual property; oversight of the use human subjects, animals, biological and chemical hazards, select agents, blood borne pathogens, and radioactive materials and lasers in research, teaching and training; environmental health and safety; implementation of the University’s policies on conflict of interest, export controls and research integrity; and working with other administrative offices to create an environment at the University that encourages and facilitates research and scholarship.