
Research Participants' Bill of Rights

Joining a research study is an important personal decision.

Participating in a study is your choice.

Be informed. Ask questions. Get answers.

You have the right...

  • To be treated in a caring and polite way.
  • To be told what the study is trying to find out.
  • To understand every form you are asked to sign or fill out.
  • To understand what will happen during the study, and what makes it different from standard medical care.
  • To be told about possible side effects or discomforts that might happen during the study.
  • To be told about any benefits from being in the study.
  • To be told about other treatment options, and how they might be better or worse than the study treatment.
  • To be told what treatment is available for you if any medical problems arise while you are in the study.
  • To ask any questions about the study.
  • To take your time when you are deciding if you want to be in the study.
  • To be told about new information that comes up during the study that could affect your decision to stay in the study.
  • To refuse to be in the study, or to change your mind about being in the study after it has started.
  • To receive a copy of the consent form you sign if you decide to join the study

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