University-wide Research Council

The Research Council is a representative body that serves in an advisory role to the Vice Provost for Research, enabling connections between constituencies.


The University-wide Research Council is comprised of representatives from Schools, Centers, and key administrative offices. Its goal is to:

  • open up new lines of communication to ensure broader input
  • improve knowledge-sharing and deepen collaboration across departments, centers, schools and university units that contribute to the research enterprise at Tufts
  • work together to improve research outcomes and conditions

The Council is a representative body that serves in an advisory role to the Vice Provost for Research, creating a two-way information circuit between the various constituencies.

University-wide Research Council convenes monthly.


Bernard Arulanandam, Vice Provost for Research

Jessica Bates, Associate Dean, University College

Zoya Davis Hamilton, Associate Vice Provost, Research Administration and Development

Phil Hinds, Postdoctoral Officer, ad interim

Patrick Florence, Director Academic Data Services, Tufts Technology Services

Amy Gantt, Director, Research Development

Helena Han, Director, Strategic Initiatives 

Erin Hennessy, Dean for Research Strategy, Friedman School of Nutrition

Karen Jacobsen, Associate Dean of Research, The Fletcher School

Barbara Kates-Garnick, Strategic Advisor

Philippa Lehar, Associate Director, Knowledge, Data Operations and Design

Cheryl London, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education, Research Professor, Cummings School

Laura Lucas, Director, Knowledge Strategy and Operations

Eric Miller, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineer, Tufts Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Karl Munger, Research Dean, Tufts School of Medicine

Ted Myatt, Associate Vice Provost for Research Integrity

José M. Ordovás, Research Dean, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging

Matt Panzer, Research Dean, Tufts School of Engineering

Athena Papas, Research Dean, Tufts School of Dental Medicine

Abani Patra, Director, Data Intensive Studies Center

Scott Perkins, Senior Director, Lab Animal Medicine

Frannie Reade, Sr. Business Development Associate, Office of Vice Provost for Innovation

Alice Rushforth, Executive Director, Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute

Diane Ryan, Associate Dean, Tisch College

Jaclyn Shaw, Senior Associate Vice Provost for Research Strategy and Operations

Martin Son, Senior Director, Technology Transfer and Industry Collaboration

Ayanna Thomas, Research Dean, Professor of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences