Support Functions and Programs

The OVPR oversees a variety of functions and programs that support the university's goal of research excellence. In addition, the OVPR works closely with other Tufts areas that support researchers, including the Libraries, Tufts Technology Services, Finance, and Corporate Foundation Relations.

OVPR Research Support


The Biosafety Program works to ensure that any work associated with biohazards or recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids is done safely and in accordance with regulations.


Central to Tufts University, the Research, Strategy, and Operations team serves as the nucleus of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Our scope encompasses Strategic Research Development


The Chemical Safety Program services minimize the risks associated with the use of hazardous chemicals in research, teaching, and laboratory facilities. We also help the research community by ensuring


Tufts Comparative Medicine Services (CMS) provides an array of in vivo services to support preclinical research and other areas of biomedical research. CMS supports the Boston Campus. The Laboratory


The Conflict of Interest Office supports the University community in identifying and managing financial conflicts of interest related to research and scholarly activities, business transactions, and


The Health Sciences Institutional Review Board (HS IRB) reviews, monitors and approve biomedical and social, behavioral, and educational research for Tufts Medicine and Tufts University Health


Industrial Health (IH) promotes health, safety and environmental protection in teaching, research, public service and administrative activities by providing training, advice and other compliance


The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) ensures institutional compliance with federal regulations that govern animal care and use for all research, teaching, and training projects.


The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is charged with ensuring that all research, teaching, and training involving potentially biohazardous agents at Tufts University and Tufts Medical Center is


The Institutional Chemical Safety Committee (ICSC) provides review and oversight of research, teaching, and training spaces and activities that are associated with chemicals at Tufts University while


The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is charged with providing independent expert advice for working with or in areas containing radioactive materials or radiation producing machines.


The Integrative Safety Committee (ISC) was formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and is charged with reviewing research ramp down exception requests, school research ramp up plans, exception


The Laboratory Safety (LS) Group supports research and teaching activities by providing training, advice and other compliance assistance in the areas of biosafety, chemical safety, general lab safety


Research Administration & Development (RAD) helps investigators to pursue their research and scholarship goals, providing expertise and support throughout the Award Lifecycle.


Related Research Support


Information Security provides stewardship and security services that support responsible research & scholarship.