Research Ethics


Research Ethics and Integrity in the OVPR encompasses a number of research support areas, including training programs (e.g. Responsible Conduct of Research [RCR] training and other research ethics training); policies/processes to addresses allegations of possible research misconduct; education on research authorship and attribution as well as support towards resolving authorship disputes; and research data and materials ownership, retention, transfer, and sharing.

There are a variety of ethical issues that can arise when conducting research, and often times these situations can be complex, and ultimately, more than one office or unit may need to become involved to address and resolve a situation. Therefore, Research Ethics and Integrity serves as an initial contact point when our researchers experience these situations, and we will then work to incorporate all necessary and appropriate entities within Tufts, and externally when appropriate, so that conflicts which arise can be comprehensively and appropriately resolved. In addition to research misconduct, authorship and attribution, and elements of research data and materials, this includes such areas as collaborative research or mentorship arrangements; financial issues associated with research funding (e.g. conflict of interest); and harassment and retaliation. Research Ethics and Integrity provides support across the entire Tufts University research community, from students and postdoctoral trainees to faculty and staff alike.


Kirby L. Johnson, PhD is the Director of Research Integrity for the OVPR.

Ethics Reporting

Tufts University utilizes EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide our research community with a simple and effective way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of Tufts University’s established policies. Reporting can also be done to the Director of Research Integrity or to any senior official at the University, including deans and department chairs.

Report Anonymously