Research Technology Announcement

Changes to TTS Research Computing Services

Dear Tufts Research Computing Community:

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide robust, sustainable, and cost-effective research infrastructure, TTS is making service changes and enhancements to our high-performance computing (HPC) and research storage environments. These changes include migration to a tiered storage architecture to lower costs for storing less active research data, introduction of a charge-back model for research storage, installation of researcher-owned equipment at MGHPCC, and the institution of an HPC node lifecycle. This will impact less than 10% of HPC and research storage users at Tufts and will be phased in with timelines that give time for researchers to address the changes within new grants or renewals.

TTS knows how critically important the University HPC and storage environments are to our research program and invests significant resources to keep them up-to-date and responsive to researcher needs. In the 2023-2024 academic year, TTS retired 2000+ public CPU cores and 2 GPUs that have offered faithful service to the Tufts HPC community over the past decade. TTS has replaced these and increased HPC capacity with 6000 public CPU cores and 40 GPUs. 

For detailed information, please see click here.