About the ISC
The Integrative Safety Committee (ISC) was formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and is charged with reviewing research ramp down exception requests, school research ramp up plans, exception requests to social distancing requirements in laboratories (close proximity work), COVID-19 research projects, human subjects research ramp up requests, exception requests for research-related travel, and requests for international hiring and provides recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research. Questions and requests for review should be sent to Amanda.Merola@tufts.edu.
- Formed March 20, 2020 by the Vice Provost for Research (VPR)
- Review research ramp down exception requests and provide recommendations to VPR
- Potential risk of the loss of long-term preceding work or investment
- Potential for very near-term impact on patient treatment or therapeutic development
- Significant setback to career progression
- Likelihood that the proposed work can be achieved with minimal risk to the investigator
- Review requests for exception to social distancing requirements in laboratories (close proximity work) and provide recommendations to VPR
- Justification of the need to work in close proximity (training, animal surgery, etc.)
- Accommodations to PPE use and to research methods to mitigate risk of close proximity work
- Review COVID-19 research projects and provide recommendations to VPR
- Timeliness of the public health impact
- Feasibility of the proposed work
- Likelihood that the proposed work can be achieved with minimal risk to the investigator
- Compliance with enhanced biosafety precautions required for handling SARS-CoV-2
- Review and evaluate School Research Ramp Up Plans
- Personnel density based on lab structure
- Research prioritization
- Infection Control
- Social distancing policies
- Hygiene standards
- Review and evaluate Core Facilities Ramp Up Plans
- Core personnel and user density
- Instrument spacing
- User scheduling
- Review Human Subjects Research Ramp-Up Requests and provide recommendation to VPR
- Evaluate HSR applications identified as lower risk of COVID infection at request of research dean
- Evaluate HSR applications at medium or higher risk of COVID infection
- Justification for exception to current HSR policy
- Strong plans for infection risk mitigation
- Justification for travel (if any) and compliance with research site regulations
- Review requests for international hiring and provide recommendation to VPR
- Coordinate with export control
- Evaluate safety of proposed work by individuals located internationally
- Evaluate and provide advice on safety plans for common support spaces and educational facilities upon request
ISC members are Regulatory Committee members (IACUC, IBC, etc.) and OVPR research compliance and safety directors or managers