Membership Roster
The IRB membership roster is confidential, but complies with all federal standards.
The IRB membership roster is confidential. If a sponsor is requesting one, in lieu of a roster you can print the Tufts Health Sciences IRB Statement of Compliance, which will provide the sponsor with an assurance that this IRB has a Federalwide Assurance (FWA) and complies with all federal standards governing the conduct of an IRB.
A FWA is an assurance of compliance with HHS regulation pertaining to the protection of human subjects. A FWA is required for any institution that is engaged in human subjects research that is not otherwise exempt, which is conducted or supported by any agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Tufts Medical Center and Tufts University Health Sciences each have their own FWA. The FWA # for Tufts University Health Science is FWA00004517 and Tufts Medical Center is FWA00004449.
To directly access information about the institutions’ FWAs on the Office for Human Research Protections website, please see: http://ohrp.cit.nih.gov/search/fwasearch.aspx?styp=bsc.