
Anonymous Reporting of Biosafety Concerns

Report safety, security, or other concerns regarding biohazards.

Internal Reporting

For any biohazard issue, including select agents.

  • Go to the Tufts Ethicspoint website.
  • Select your campus, and then choose the area: either Regulatory Compliance or Environmental Health and Safety. This will help ensure that your report is received by an appropriate authority.

External Reporting

Specific for concerns associated with select agents.

When reporting these issues to the Office of Inspector General (OIG)’s confidential hotline, please ensure that you indicate it is a “Select Agent Complaint" issue.

US Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Inspector General
PO Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026
Phone: 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477)
Fax: 1-800-223-8164

United States Department of Agriculture
Office of Inspector General
PO Box 23399
Washington, DC 20026-3399
Phone: (800) 424-9121